John Mortimer has the knack, when writing about the legal profession, of creating wonderfully eccentric and funny characters.

Edwin, the stronger of his double bill of plays, introduces us to Truscott, a High Court judge who, although retired, cannot stop judging. He is obsessed with proving that his neighbour, Tom, has rogered his wife.

Edward Fox is sublimely dotty and hilarious as the judge, constantly addressing an imaginary jury as he crossexamines his neighbour, thereby opening a large can of worms.

In second play The Dock Brief, Fox appears as Morgenhall, an inept barrister defending Fowle, a man who has murdered his wife for being constantly jolly.

Nicholas Woodeson gives two nicely contrasting performances, a strong foil as Tom and a pliable and obliging Fowle.

  • Tickets cost £8-£27. For prices and other details, call 01243 781312.