READERS will be familiar with the devastating fire that has completely destroyed Greece’s largest refugee camp, Moria, on the island of Lesbos.

With an estimated 12,500 people now forced to fend for themselves, some 400 refugee children are to be relocated across ten European Union countries.

Meanwhile, Brighton and Hove has the chance to play its part in helping this relief effort by ensuring the city council votes to follow through on its strong track record of emergency assistance to child refugees, and makes extra places for them available immediately.

Lord Dubs of the charity Safe Passage, is currently leading efforts to protect family reunion laws, which allow refugee children to have their claim to asylum transferred to the United Kingdom if they have family in this country.

He has now written to the Home Secretary Priti Patel asking her to bring some of the homeless minors from Moria to the United Kingdom.

“A terrible tragedy is unfolding at the Moria camp,” Lord Dubs writes.

“The UK government must step in immediately and offer safety to the unaccompanied children now surviving in the open. 

“The government cannot keep dodging the issue by insisting that children are safe in Europe.

“Whether in a Greek island camp or in northern France, children are at extreme risk and need our help now. 

“Failing to act would be an outrage.”

Steve Williams
