WE MUST listen to Andy Winter. The Brighton Housing Trust Chief Executive is right to say that begging is 'the elephant in the room' and that a great opportunity has been missed to address these problems (The Argus, 14 November).

The council has received over £3 million from the Government for supporting rough sleepers during the pandemic. Accommodation, food and support has been provided to all who want it but we still see begging - including aggressive begging - continuing as normal on our streets.

Mr Winter works very hard in Brighton and Hove and is well respected. He says that unless we actively challenge begging we won't effectively address addictions, and without addressing addictions, we won't end rough sleeping.

I wholeheartedly agree and so would most of Brighton and Hove in my opinion. In my ward of Hangleton and Knoll I often speak to beggars to understand the situation they are in. Several have told me they live in accommodation provided by the council and receive food and benefits but continue to beg on the streets due to their addictions and because they feel nothing will be done to stop them.

We must take heed of Mr Winter's advice.

Dawn Barnett

Councillor for Hangleton and Knoll Ward