THE behaviour of Donald Trump’s supporters in violently entering the Capitol in Washington was disgusting.

The only beneficiaries of such actions are oppressive regimes who do not share free world values.

Iran, Russia and China have already used this event to justify their own intolerance to legitimate opposition.

For democracy to work everyone must accept the result of an election.

Unfortunately, their seems to be an attitude amongst certain people that if the result is not what they wanted they have a right to ignore or challenge the result.

What has happened in the USA is a sad progression for what has occurred in other parts of the world.

In Britain “Europhiles” would not accept the result of the European Union referendum.

In Europe so called “Liberal groups” always demand another vote if the result is not what they wished for.

Every four years the American people can vote for their President.

If they do not support the incumbent they have the right to elect someone else.

Our freedom and democratic rights are based on tolerance and acceptance of others.

It has taken nearly a thousand years for our democratic systems to evolve.

Sadly, these freedoms can be quickly lost.

Richard J Szypulski, Lavender Street Brighton