HAVING read today’s Argus, now I am confused. It seems that if I live in Eastbourne, I can leave my sealed home, get into my sealed car and drive one mile for some fresh air at Beachy Head and that is OK under the current law.

But if I don’t live in Eastbourne and I leave my sealed home, get into my sealed car and drive 88 miles to Beachy head for some fresh air, that is not OK under the current law, even though the term “local area” is implied by the law, but not specifically defined. 

This poses two questions: 1. What is worse for society, walking around my local supermarket, surrounded by potential carriers of the virus, or taking a sealed trip to Beachy Head in a car for some fresh air?

2. Is there now no actual crime out there for Sussex police officers to solve?

Have officers nothing better to do with their time than sit around at Beachy Head twiddling their thumbs, looking for ordinary law-abiding citizens, whose only crime seem to be that of seeking fresh air?

Surely getting out of a smog-laden city for fresh air is not a privilege granted by the British Government to some, it is the absolute right of all free citizens of the world.

Don McBeth

Grand Avenue
