YET another anti-cyclist letter from John Armstrong on Thursday.

Fairly mild this one with just a moan about cyclists not being licensed.

Presumably this would include licence plates and plenty of administration costs. 

Mr Armstrong has never seemed to understand who cyclists are.

He rather oddly thinks that all cyclists ride expensive bikes so, in his words, they can afford licence fees and insurance. Is this true? Of course not.

The vast majority of cyclists ride affordable bikes, often in children's sizes. They usually ride to get to work, college or school, this being a cheap (and healthy) form of transport.

It is also climate friendly. 

How would his licences be applied? There are track bikes, road bikes, off-road bikes, tricycles and an enormous range of children's bikes.

These admin costs seem to be going up. Where does the licence plate go? It needs to be big so it can be read but there is no room on most bikes 

Where would the licence regime start, on a four-year-old child bike or an eight-year-old child bike?

What about people, like myself, with more than one bike?

Multiple licences and more admin costs. I can see bureaucrats rubbing their hands at this additional work.

And who polices all this mayhem?

Importantly a lot of people ride bikes because it is cheap and they cannot afford other means of transport. Imposing unnecessary charges would be ludicrous. Cycling has always been a healthy, climate friendly and popular means of transport available to all ages and long may it continue.

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