IN YEARS to come, how will the last 12 months be remembered.

Perhaps stories of heroic nurses will deservedly dominate history books, or videos of politicians being grilled will feature in documentaries looking back.

For those of us going through the pandemic, the changes to the city can be captured in pictures.

A walk around a bitterly cold Brighton and Hove at 2pm last Saturday showed the reality of life in lockdown.

Along the likes of North Street, West Street and Western Road, all but a few “essential” shops are closed, shuttered and, in some cases, boarded up.

For some this is a temporary measure, but in other cases it is a permanent move. “To let” signs hang over several sites.

Like a poorly constructed spot the difference, looking around there are clear signs that things have changed.

Most pubs and shops have signs outside warning customers to wear masks and stick to social distancing guidelines - reminders of a time over the previous summer and autumn when they had fleetingly been allowed to reopen.

An A-board at the entrance of Brighton Station tells passengers they face a hefty fine if they do not wear a face covering while walking through the site.

On the seafront, small groups of people stroll along the promenade. It is the only walk they will legally be allowed to take that day, apart from shopping or a few other reasons.

Among those walking, “Covid marshalls” partol, making sure rules are being followed, and a van displaying a public safety message is parked, ironically, near to the Meeting Place Cafe on Hove seafront.

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