MARCH’S competition theme of “windows” drew a real mix of pictures from our talented camera club members and just a few of them are featured here.

Im sure I can beat this by Janet Obyrne

I'm sure I can beat this by Janet Obyrne

Several involved cats – for example those by Janet Obyrne and Gerry Ure.

Let me out, by Gerry Ure

Let me out, by Gerry Ure

Gerry captioned his ‘let me out’ while Janet thought the little cat she photographed was working out how to get through the bars.

Sarah Mattock pictured this ‘window to the sea’

Sarah Mattock pictured this ‘window to the sea’

We loved Sarah Mattock’s take on the theme – a window to the sea – and also Janet Reilly’s pleasing shot of one of Brighton and Hove’s imposing terraces.

Top, ‘that’s a lot of work for the cleaner’, says Janet Reilly, who took this great picture. Far left, ‘I’m sure I can beat this’ by Janet Obyrne. Left, another cat in the window picture, this time by Gerry Ure who

Top, ‘that’s a lot of work for the cleaner’, says Janet Reilly, who took this great picture. Far left, ‘I’m sure I can beat this’ by Janet Obyrne. Left, another cat in the window picture, this time by Gerry Ure who

As Janet said, that's a lot of work for the window cleaner.

Holy Trinity Church, Ship Street, Brighton, by Leah Parkes

Holy Trinity Church, Ship Street, Brighton, by Leah Parkes

Churches were another popular subject – this lovely picture of Holy Trinity in Ship Street, Brighton, was taken by Leah Parkes.

But we have decided this month’s winner is Fay Stebbings for her serene shot of people looking through the windows of the i360 as the sun goes down.

READ MORE>> Argus Camera Club member Kyle Bolter's six best pictures

Fay wins the £50 prize.

The theme for April’s competition is “something beginning with A”.

As usual, entries should be posted on the Facebook page with a note to say where it was taken.

There is one entry per person and the competition ends at midnight on May 1 with the winner announced shortly afterwards. Once again, a £50 prize is up for grabs.