I AM writing to you regarding the new traffic system in Madeira Drive, Brighton.

I have multiple disabilities - ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorder and chronic pain.

In the past, Madeira Drive was my favourite place. The ability to park sideways allowed me to enjoy the calm scenery of the sea and the nice air while sitting in my car - something which is important especially in days

where pain makes me unable to walk.

A lot of disabled and elderly people used this way of parking for the same reason.

The new parking situation is a nightmare for disabled people. Trying to park in the parking bays while the rest of the traffic is stuck behind me is pressuring, not to mention the limited space to unload for example wheelchairs etc.

Furthermore, the explanation that people can enjoy the view of the sea from the parking slots might sound great in theory, but in reality it is absolutely not true.

I parked at Madeira Drive and wanted to look at the sea as I always did. I was surrounded by engine noises and all I saw was queueing cars in front of me blocking the view. Instead of having a nice day at the sea, enjoying the sea air, it felt as if I parked in the middle of a motorway.

If I would have wanted to see cars, it would have been the perfect spot. It had nothing to do with providing people the opportunity to access a recreational place. I had to leave after just 20 minutes.

The view was constantly blocked due to other cars waiting for spaces, honking, running engines and angry shouting people.

On my way out I met two other disabled people, one of them, an elderly woman, was crying. We all agreed that for us, Madeira Drive is lost.

It is sad to see that people took care of cycle lanes etc. But one of the most important things for disabled people is completely taken away without any alternative.

It is obviously taken care off people who can cycle and walk, but people with disabilities are more excluded than before.

I desperately hoped we would live in a world were disabled people should be more included, not excluded.

Lisa Scholz

Address supplied