ACCORDING to the front page of today’s Argus (Thursday, April 8) our council has decided our city needs a clean up. Well done!

Most of the city residents have known about the state of our streets for a long time. Litter and graffiti everywhere gives a very unkempt and degrading appearance to residents as well as tourists.

Driving along the by-pass is a very distressing experience. The assortment of litter and rubbish is unbelievable.

If I was a tourist thinking of staying in the city, I would turn round and go back home again.

About three weeks ago I saw a mechanical road-cleaning vehicle drive up and down our road. What an utter waste of time, money and effort.

These vehicles can not clear the rubbish in the gutters where cars and vans are parked. They also can’t clear the rubbish on the pavements and grass verges.

I regularly pick up rubbish from the gutter and pavement outside our house. I don’t charge for this service but our council tax has just risen.

We need the return of a human being with a broom, spade and trolley to do the job properly.

Not all tasks can be completed successfully by mechanical gadgets.

Way back in 1991 my partner and I stayed in Belgium for a holiday spent touring Holland, Belgium and Paris. We were so impressed by the cleanliness everywhere, especially in Holland.

We never saw so much as a cigarette end on the ground. Everywhere was spotless. All the properties were well maintained, graffiti-free and a joy to see.

It is very unlikely that Brighton will ever be anywhere close to that standard unfortunately, but there is a lot of room for improvement.

However, it is unfair to blame the city for its disgusting state. Most of the blame lies with the residents and visitors who seem to have a "couldn’t care less" attitude.

A return to the days when we had ethics and standards would be good.

Christine Luffman

Rotherfield Crescent

