IN REPLY to the letter stating "We didn't vote for a Green council in Brighton and Hove", I'm afraid I'm going to have to let the facts get in the way.

In May 2019, the city voted: 80,148 for the Green Party; 75,972 for the Labour Party; 48,185 for the Conservative Party.

Although the Greens secured the most votes, they did not win the most seats because our voting system does not accurately reflex the number of votes cast.

In the two by-elections held earlier this month the votes were:

Green 3,275; Tory 2,756; Labour 2,141.

Given that these were seats previously held by Labour and the Tories, topping the poll in one and coming a close second in the other was an amazing achievement for the Greens, and shows enormous faith in the Green leadership of the council.

Were the 9.5 per cent swing from the Tories to Greens in Patcham - and the five per cent swing from Labour to Greens in Hollingdean and Stanmer - to be repeated across the city, the Greens would win several more seats that they did in 2019. Is the letter writer still so keen on us having a new citywide poll?

Cllr Leo Littman

Preston Park ward

Brighton and Hove City Council