On A post-Christmas walk I was horrified to see notices posted around the old Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital announcing new plans to demolish these beautiful buildings.

It seems especially sneaky that the signs went up just before Christmas, and we have only 21 days to voice our objections again.

The current buildings are handsome and full of character, contributing to the history of what is supposed to be a conservation area.

It is highly unlikely that any construction that replaces them will be in the same league, will be standing in 120 years' time, or be so loved.

The current main building is a celebration of Victorian municipal architecture. From my office in Old Steine I can see its jaunty chimneys on the horizon. The thought this may be replaced with a faceless edifice is just heartbreaking.

It fills me with despair that I live in such a vibrant city but one completely blighted by incompetent planning and conservation decisions - the West Pier, the birdcage bandstand, the King Alfred development, the New England Quarter.

Need I go on? If we continue to destroy our local history in this way the city can only go into decline because it will be so bland no one will want to move here to live in all these "luxury" flats.

Other readers who care about history, the environment and fairness should attempt to negotiate the clunky planning section of Brighton and Hove City Council's website and object to applications BH2007/04453 and BH2007/04462.

Then maybe the council will show some respect for our heritage and let these attractive buildings stay.

  • Wendy McAngus, West Hill Street, Brighton