A man from Sussex has scooped a £1 million Premium Bond jackpot.

The lucky winner is one of two people across the UK to become a new year millionaire.

The other is a man who lives in East Lothian in Scotland.

The man from West Sussex bought the winning bond in May 2005 and his total holdings are £16,094. He has asked to remain anonymous.

In West Sussex nearly 400,000 people own Premium Bonds worth just over £800,000,000.

It is the second time that West Sussex has produced a jackpot winner, with the previous lucky bond holder scooping the pot in September 1997.

In January 2003, a Premium Bond holder in East Sussex became a new year millionaire. He had bought the winning bond in a £2,000 batch in April 1992 and was the second East Sussex millionaire since the monthly jackpot was launched in 1994.

Last June was the 50th anniversary of the first Premium Bonds draw and the National Savings and Investment scheme has now created five millionaires in Sussex.

Many people in the county have won smaller amounts but have still treated their friends and family.

Chris English, of Wanderdown Way, Ovingdean, Brighton, spent every penny of the £5,000 he won on his grandchildren. He has had his Premium Bonds since they were launched by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in 1956.

Former graphic designer Mike Rome turned his redundancy money into a much bigger payout when he won £25,000 the year after he left his job.

The 60-year-old, of Livesay Crescent, Worthing, has been building up the bonds since the seventies and was lucky enough to scoop £25,000. He plans to leave the money there as a legacy for his children.

Grandmother Patricia Davies has managed to rake in a prize almost every two months and ploughs the money straight back in, buying more Premium Bonds. Over the years she has won £50, £100 and £500 prizes.

Fay Wrigley took the summer off work and took on a horse when she won £5,000.

She spent all her winnings on the animal which she keeps in Storrington. Mrs Wrigley, of Rectory Lane, Ashington, near Horsham, was the manager of a rehabilitation project for people with mental health problems but took voluntary redundancy.

She and her husband Ian started buying bonds about five years ago after becoming frustrated with the National Lottery. Have you scooped a Premium Bond or National Lottery cash prize?

What did you spend the money on? Or do you know who the lucky Premium Bond winner from Sussex is? Leave your comments at theargus.co.uk/news or call the newsdesk on 01273 544519.