WHAT a good letter from Sean Fowler on Tuesday. Boris should be getting praise and thanks, not brickbats.

It has taken courage to make and announce all the important decisions that have been necessary during this unprecedented pandemic at the cost of making himself unpopular.  

Let's face it - not many of us would have had that courage.

He is getting the blame for letting the India variant into the country - so just who do we blame for the Kent variant which has been rife in this country and over the world for the past 15 months?

I, too, am an older person who grew up with the ration book, having to black-out the windows every night, running to get safe from the air raids etc etc. We were in "lockdown" for six years.  It was hard, very hard, but then life is not always as easy as we would like it to be as we are now experiencing so let's pull together and follow the

guidelines which are put there for our own safety.

Yes, united we stand, divided we fall.

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