A SCHOOL has been recognised for helping to promote more environmentally friendly ways of travelling.

The Brighton Waldorf School has won the Modeshift STARS Early Years award for the South East for encouraging families with children up to age 5 to cycle, scoot and walk in.

Staff at the school in Roedean Road have seen the number of families using Park and Stride, where people drive some of their route to school and then walk the rest, increased by 12 per cent.

Active travel - walking, scooting and cycling - has also increased by seven per cent. Also, car use has more than halved from 31 per cent to 15 per cent during the first two years.

The school has been working with STARS - a national awards scheme that recognises schools that have demonstrated support for cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel - over the last four years.

The staff at the school have been trained to deliver balance bike skills training to early years children.

The school has been working to promote active travel Fridays throughout the school year, asking parents, carers and children to walk, scoot or cycle at least the last five minutes of a journey or hop off the bus a stop early.

Children and family centred learning on the benefits of physical activity.

Regular class walks are taking place all year round, whatever the weather, including learning about road safety. During lunch, conversations are held about healthy eating and good habits.

Parents are told about the benefits of walking for children. Families are encouraged to continue the daily walks over lockdown.

The Argus: Councillor Amy HeleyCouncillor Amy Heley

Amy Heley, chairwoman of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability committee, said: “I’d like to congratulate Brighton Waldorf School Early Years on this great award and for their work in promoting active and sustainable transport in the city.

“It’s so important that children learn from an early age about the physical and mental health benefits to active travel, but also the benefits to the environment around them.

“The school is setting such a good example to everyone by encouraging children and their families to think about their travel habits.”

The school was given the Gold Modeshift STARS accreditation earlier this year, and it is also up for a national award, which will be announced on Friday.