A BOMB disposal expert died in an explosion while handling Second World War explosives, an inquest has heard.

Stephen Atkinson was killed while working with unexploded bombs at his home in the Solomon Islands last year.

The 57-year-old, who grew up in Northiam, near Rye, was working for humanitarian aid group NGO to map unexploded munitions across the islands - the scene of conflict involving Japanese and allied forces in World War Two.

Mr Atkinson’s Australian colleague Trent Lee also died in the explosion.

The explosive device went off at their home in the capital Honiara on September 20 last year, the inquest at Eastbourne Town Hall heard.

The Argus: Stephen Atkinson was killed while working with exploded bombs at his home in the Solomon Islands last year Stephen Atkinson was killed while working with exploded bombs at his home in the Solomon Islands last year

The inquest heard that he suffered damage to his ribs, throat and upper body in the explosion, the Daily Mail reports.

He later died in the National Referral Hospital in Honiara.

In the aftermath of the accident, Police Inspector Clifford Tunuki said several other unexploded bombs were found in the apartment.

East Sussex Coroner Alan Craze gave a verdict of death by misadventure.

“There is a son that is going to have to live with this,” he said. “I think that in many ways we can call this an accident. I shall record a conclusion of misadventure.”

The father-of-one, who was also known as Luke, was educated at Frewen College, Northiam, and went on to live in countries including Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Cambodia.

He worked in the Solomon Islands and neighbouring Palau as a programme manager at non-governmental organisation Norwegian People's Aid (NPA), as well as for the United Nations.

The Solomon Islands, which lie to the east of Papua New Guinea, was a key World War Two battleground due to its proximity to Australia.

As a result, the islands are littered with thousands of ageing explosives that still pose a danger to civilians more than 70 years later.

The Argus: Stephen Atkinson was killed while working with exploded bombs at his home in the Solomon Islands last year Stephen Atkinson was killed while working with exploded bombs at his home in the Solomon Islands last year

Giving evidence at the hearing, Mr Atkinson’s friend Ian Hird reportedly told the court: “He put the safety of others first and took his responsibility very seriously.

“Luke was very well-read, bright and had intelligence. He gained a reputation for being innovative.

“He adored his son, who is now 18, and did everything possible to support him. He was a great friend and storyteller.

“He worked hard on his friendships and worked hard to stay in touch with people he had met throughout his life.”

In the wake of the accident, the NPA's activities on the Solomon Islands were temporarily put on hold while the circumstances were investigated.

NPA's secretary general Henriette Killi Westhrin said: “This is a tragic accident.

“We are devastated by what has happened, and for the loss of two good colleagues. Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to their families, relatives and staff.”