DEAR Editor your Argus comment is correct that the Brighton and Hove City Council have absolutely the right to consult with people on residents parking.

But yet can they be trusted to listen, for it seems only when it suits their ideology on where they want the parking situation to go.

Let me explain.

Why did the town want to be a city? City parking. It gave them the chance to make money in the process, the dreaded double yellow lines and parking meters had arrived. Their emphasis for it, that they needed to keep the bus routes clear of congestion. This pushed parking on to the side streets, those residents complained that they had nowhere to park.

READ MORE: The amount of fines issued at Brighton and Hove car parks

Parking zones were created but there was still not enough parking spaces for all the residents' cars in these new zones, so more complaints from residents outside of those first zones, as the overspill from the first zones clogged up their parking spaces. As each new zone is created it comes with an enormous windfall of annual revenue. But does the council try and solve our parking crisis? For the council, it feels like it is not what they want, that would mean less revenue.

Let's not forget it is a tax. The council's aim is for all areas of Brighton and Hove to be designated parking zones. Then when they need more money they have only to raise the price of the parking permits. Can you now see how it works?

Now if the council used the revenue to ease the parking problems, we would say yes, it is a fair tax. But they don’t. Money for nothing.

For many years I and others have campaigned to get a fairer system put in place, reduce the size of  Zone D.

Before Covid an inquiry letter was sent out by the council asking all the residents of Zone D, if they were satisfied with Event Parking. 75% said Yes, There is no need to ask what part of the Zone that gave them the thumbs up? Yes the 75% that live the furthest away and not affected by the parking. Did that make the council happy. They could go on as normal. Have they listened to those that are suffering? again no.

Now did the system that was set up by the Council to stop the congestion in the streets nearest to the Amex actually work? No.  So, was it a success? No. Should they listen? Yes. Have they Listened? No.

Spencer Carvil

Egginton Road
