A MAJOR festive parade has been cancelled due to Covid-19.

Burning the Clocks was due to take place in Brighton on December 21.

However, following the government’s decision to move to Plan B Covid guidelines, the event organisers have announced the event has been cancelled.

John Varah, Same Sky artistic director, said: “Following the Prime Minister’s recent announcement confirming England’s move to Plan B to slow the rapid spread of Omicron, we have cancelled this year’s Burning the Clocks parade.

“It is a decision taken in partnership with Brighton and Hove City Council and based on the Government’s Plan B restrictions due to the rapidly rising transmission rates of the virus.

“It would not be sensible to hold the event at this time, which has previously had between 10,000 and 20,000 spectators standing closely together to watch the parade, bonfire and fireworks.

“We are saddened to have to cancel this much loved Brighton event, but hope to return next year, as soon as conditions allow.

“We would also like to thank everyone who has supported our crowdfunding efforts this year - funding which is vital to put on the event.”

Event organisers are encouraging the public to “keep the spirit of Burning the Clocks alive” however by displaying lanterns in their window and sharing pictures on social media.

“We’d also like to wish everyone in the city and beyond a safe, happy and healthy winter solstice and a peaceful festive holiday,” John added.