MORE than a third of residents have admitted to throwing away unused prescription medication, according to a recent survey.

According to a survey by online pharmacy Chemist4U, 37 per cent of people in Brighton said they throw away prescription medication before completing their course.

One in five also said they had taken out-of-date medicines, with almost one in five (17 per cent) saying they had taken drugs that were not prescribed to them.

A third (34 per cent) also said they plan ahead and stockpile their medicine cupboards.

Nationally, 36 per cent of Brits said they have taken out-of-date medication, with paracetamol, ibuprofen and cough medicine among the oldest products in the country's cabinets.

Pharmacist and CEO at Chemist4U James O'Loan said: "It's great to see that so many people are keeping a stock of essential medicines in their home, so that they can treat any illnesses or ailments effectively and quickly where self-treatment can be used.

"However, it's alarming to see safe use of medicines is not always being followed, with the borrowing of medications, and taking prescription medications without a prescription a fairly common occurrence.

"This can have serious consequences, so it's always advisable to speak to a GP, pharmacist or other health professionals if you have any worries or concerns and feel like you may need medical assistance."

"It’s saddening to see just how much medication is being thrown away, and the cost of this to our health services and the environment if not properly disposed of. In some cases, particularly for items like topical creams, eye drops and inhalers, that may be used for short-term conditions, there’s always a high chance that not all of the product may be used - in cases like this, it's important to dispose of any medication that’s no longer needed in the correct way, rather than simply throwing it in the bin too."

Not completing a course of prescribed medication poses a danger as the ailment may recur and could be more difficult to treat when and if it does.

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