BOMB disposal teams were spotted at the site of a cordon near a police station after what was suspected to be a chemical substance incident.

Houses nearby Hailsham Police Station in George Street were "closed" as a precaution after suspected chemical substances were handed into the front office following a house clearance.

Men in army fatigues were spotted at the scene, alongside a person in black bulky clothing with tubing coming from a helmet they were wearing.

A large police presence was also spotted at the scene.

Access to nearby houses had been restricted for a time as a precaution but the cordon has now since lifted after the substances were checked and confirmed to be safe.

A spokesman for Wealden Police said: "The substances handed into Hailsham Police Station's front office earlier today have now been checked and confirmed as safe.

"The cordon has been lifted and roads in the area have reopened.

"We would like to thank everyone for their patience while we responded to this matter."

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