SHOCKING footage from a helmet camera and a police patrol camera shows the moment a motorcycle rider drove at speeds in excess of 105mph to escape police.

Giacomino Morrone, a security guard from London Road in Burgess Hill, was sentenced to a six-month suspended prison sentence and given an 18-month disqualification from driving, after admitting to dangerous driving and drug driving.

Officers had been on patrol approaching Lewes Road in Brighton when Morrone, rode past them at around 6pm on April 26 last year.

He flipped up his registration plate and performed a wheelie on his motorbike by officers in unmarked vehicles.

He sped off when officers approached his vehicles to request him to stop, with footage showing Morrone going through a red light at 90mph, swerving between vehicles and reaching 80mph in a 20mph zone at Elm Grove.

Police were forced to call off the pursuit due to his reckless riding after following him along the A27 and towards Lewes.​

However, police managed to capture his motorcyle registration and discovered his home address, where officers arrested him.

The 24-year-old was found in the same clothing and helmet as before, with seized helmet camera footage showing his dangerous riding at high speeds during the incident.

While in custody, a blood sample found 3.9 microgrammes of cannabis per litre of blood - almost double the legal limit. He told officers he was a recreational user of the drug, but hadn't realised it would still be in his system.

At Brighton Magistrates' Court on February 17, Morrone was also ordered to 200 hours of unpaid work in the community, complete 12 rehabilitation activity requireent sessions and pay £85 in costs, alog with a £128 victim surcharge.

He must also must take an extended re-test before he can drive a vehicle.

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