A RAILWAY driver was hit and killed by a passing train after he left his cab in a spot he would not be expected to, investigators said.

The man, who has not been named, died on February 1 while his Southern train was stationary at a siding near West Worthing station, the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) said.

He climbed from his train’s cab to track level when he was hit by the passing train at around 33mph.

The Argus: Picture taken at the scene of the incident on February 1Picture taken at the scene of the incident on February 1

The driver had driven into the siding and was due to wait there “for a short time before” before entering West Worthing station.

The RAIB said: “Train drivers should not normally need to leave their trains as part of their duties while waiting in this siding.”

A full investigation into what happened is ongoing.

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