SEA creatures with a potentially fatal sting have been spotted on beaches across Sussex.

The Sussex Wildlife Trust is warning people to stay away if they see a Portuguese Man O’War after sightings of the “bizarre” species on the pebbles in the last few days.

A spokesman for the trust said: “Over the last few years, we seem to be seeing an increasing number of Portuguese Man O’ War washed up on Sussex beaches.

"Usually more common at the western end of the Channel, this species has been spotted washed up on various Sussex beaches after the recent storms.

“Although related to jellyfish, they are actually a colonial animal called a siphonophore.

“These creatures are beautifully coloured but are dangerous – do not attempt to handle them as they have a nasty sting which can be fatal in rare cases.”

Portuguese Man O’War are a kind of colonial hydrozoan - small organisms which can only survive as a group.

This year, they have been seen on beaches in Brighton and Hove, Goring, Seaford and Climping.

In a statement released by Arun District Council, the public were warned to be aware of dangerous animal.

The creature takes its name from an 18th century sailing ship, as its gas-filled bladder sits above the water and appears to resemble a warship at full sail.

Ella Garrud, living seas officer at the trust previously told The Argus it is “pretty rare” for Portuguese Man O’War to be seen this far down the channel, as they are typically found in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, but they are more likely to wash up on British shores after westerly winds.

She said: “They get caught up on currents as they don’t have much swimming ability.

“They’re actually a number of different organisms which work together as a whole.

“It sounds completely bizarre, and it is. They can only function as this colony.

“Their tentacles can get very long in the water.”

The creature takes its name from an 18th century sailing ship, as its gas-filled bladder sits above the water and appears to resemble a warship at full sail.