THE WRECK of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship Endurance has been found 107 years after it became trapped in sea ice and sank off the Antarctic coast.

The 44-metre long wooden ship had not been seen since it went down in the Weddell Sea in 1915, and in February the Endurance22 expedition set off from Cape Town, South Africa, a month after the 100th anniversary of Sir Ernest’s death on a mission to locate it.

The ship was found at a depth of 3,008 metres and approximately four miles south of the position originally recorded by the ship’s captain Frank Worsley.

Sir Ernest and his crew set out to achieve the first land crossing of Antarctica but Endurance did not reach land and became trapped in dense pack ice, forcing the 28 men on board to eventually abandon ship.

They were stuck in the ice for around 10 months, before escaping in lifeboats and on foot.

Ernest Shackleton lived in Milnthorpe Road in Eastbourne with his wife, Emily, between 1916 to 1922. She stayed in Eastbourne long after his death when he went on another expedition to Antarctica in 1921.

The expedition’s director of exploration said footage of Endurance showed it to be intact and “by far the finest wooden shipwreck” he has seen.

The Argus: South African polar research and logistics vessel, S.A. Agulhas II, on an expedition to find the wreck of EnduranceSouth African polar research and logistics vessel, S.A. Agulhas II, on an expedition to find the wreck of Endurance

Mensun Bound said: “We are overwhelmed by our good fortune in having located and captured images of Endurance.

“It is upright, well proud of the seabed, intact, and in a brilliant state of preservation. You can even see ‘Endurance’ arced across the stern, directly below the taffrail.

“This is a milestone in polar history.”

Dr John Shears, the expedition leader, said his team, which was accompanied by historian Dan Snow, had made “polar history” by completing what he called “the world’s most challenging shipwreck search”.

The Argus: Picture issued by the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust of the taffrail, ship's wheel and aft well deck on the wreck of EndurancePicture issued by the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust of the taffrail, ship's wheel and aft well deck on the wreck of Endurance

He said: “In addition, we have undertaken important scientific research in a part of the world that directly affects the global climate and environment.

“We have also conducted an unprecedented educational outreach programme, with live broadcasting from on board, allowing new generations from around the world to engage with Endurance22 and become inspired by the amazing stories of polar exploration, and what human beings can achieve and the obstacles they can overcome when they work together.”

Dan Snow said on Twitter: “Endurance has been found. Discovered at 3,000 metres on 5 March 2022, 100 years to the day since Shackleton was buried.

The Argus: The stern of the wreck of Endurance, Sir Ernest Shackleton's ship which has not been seen since it was crushed by the ice and sank in the Weddell Sea in 1915The stern of the wreck of Endurance, Sir Ernest Shackleton's ship which has not been seen since it was crushed by the ice and sank in the Weddell Sea in 1915

“After weeks of searching Endurance was found within the search box conceived by Mensun Bound, only just over four miles south of the location at which its captain Frank Worsley calculated it had sunk. The entire team aboard #Endurance22 are happy and a little exhausted!

“Nothing was touched on the wreck. Nothing retrieved. It was surveyed using the latest tools and its position confirmed. It is protected by the Antarctic Treaty. Nor did we wish to tamper with it.”

He said the wreck is “coherent” and in an “astonishing state of preservation”.