A “HERO” dog and his owner, who is living with a two in a million rare brain tumour, have completed a 50 mile walk for charity.

Francis Rennells, 41, was told he had a rare brain tumour last year and he has made it his mission to raise awareness ever since.

Francis, from Hove, said: “Last year I was diagnosed with a rare type of non-malignant brain tumour called Colloid Cyst. 

“It's been a roller coaster of emotions and information. 

“The Brains Trust has been amazing and truly offers incredible support to all sufferers and their support network.”

The Argus:

Last weekend Francis and his Jack Russell Terrier, Baxter, took part in the Follow the Seagulls walk, which is a 50 mile trek in two days around the Isle of Wight to raise funds for the trust.

Francis’ friends Debbie Cook and Sandra Chalmers came over to the island with him in case Baxter could not manage the distance.

Francis said: “I'm super proud of Baxter because in the 14 years of the Brains trust doing this fundraising walk, Baxter was the first dog to complete the whole walk and earned himself a medal.

“He truly was a mascot for everyone taking part and inspired us to continue on tough terrains.”

The Brains Trust has recently become Pif (Patient Information Forum) tick accredited, meaning it can now produce official guidance and literature accredited by clinical experts.

Francis added: “They’ve listened to our frustrations and recognised that there is a gap in support and advice online. 

“They are currently producing a fact sheet, online webpage and support group and a peer mentor programme specifically for people with Colloid Cysts.

“This is the first step to information regarding Colloid Cysts being made available on NHS platforms for practitioners and patients alike.

Francis explained how an international Facebook group has been a source of support following his diagnosis.

He said: “This group has been incredible in providing me with much needed answers and support at a time of fear and confusion. 

“It will be a breakthrough when more information is available to us online in the UK.”

 If you would like to support this cause, visit: https://brainstrust.enthuse.com/pf/francis-rennells-4fad5