IT HAS to stop. We, the council tax payers are being abused, over charged and taken for a ride by the sub standard service that Lewes and Eastbourne council are providing.

To explain. This morning I tried to contact the parking department to report a problem at a car park. I was trying to be helpful. For some 27 minutes I held the phone to my ear. I got the same message over and over again: “ You are number six in the queue". I rang off.

This afternoon I tried again. Same result, different message.

Determined to get through and eventually, surprise, surprise after 32 minutes an operator answered. I asked her where she was working and he replied “ In my office at home “.

We are told that the home working rule was due to Covid. Covid is now, I am led to believe, officially over.

You no longer have to wear masks, so why is working from home not over?

It appears that it is only government departments and local councils that persist in this way of working. Why?

This does not apply to the private sector: shops, bars, hotels. Those who have to earn their living.

The real problem is that unless the public start verbally complaining and demanding better standards, the service will only get worse.

As much as I hate the word, militancy is the only way forward to improve the service.

We must demand more from those who pretend to serve us, such as our councillors and MP. Or otherwise get rid of them.

Why don't our prime minister, MPs and councillors insisting that this "working from home" nonsense is stopped and services get back to normal?

We pay enough for them and these costs are rising every day. The reason is that they too are enjoying this "skive " and therefore not having to travel to their offices. How degrading.

Look at the House of Commons chamber on television. It’s half empty.

John Armstrong

Address supplied