YOUR Argus Comment of May 21 is far too forgiving of the poor performance of Brighton and Hove Council on recycling in general and plastics in particular.

"Working on improving" is not good enough. When the council was led by Greens previously, there was little improvement. History now repeats itself.

The report, also on May 21, of a housing management panel meeting shows the council effectively blaming residents for low recycling rates of plastic tubs, trays and pots.

Most plastic items are not clearly marked recyclable (or not). It is not surprising that many are incorrectly placed in recycling bins or thrown away when they could be recycled.

Large supermarkets collect plastic packaging of all kinds so there are methods of sorting it and recycling or otherwise disposing of it. But Brighton and Hove Council is clearly incapable of doing this.

Argus readers with friends or relatives in other towns should inquire about their recycling schemes to see how much better they are than our failing council.

James Simister

Bates Road
