A PRIMARY school has been told it requires improvement after it found “low-level disruption” interrupts too many lessons.

Manor Field Primary school in Junction Road, Burgess Hill, still has a “requires improvement” rating after its Ofsted inspection in April.

While inspectors found that it was good for quality of education, personal development, and early years provision, it rated the school as requiring improvements for behaviour and attitudes, and leadership and management.

The report by lead inspector Hanna Miller, Stephen Jackson and Clare Morgan, says that “relationships between staff and pupils are warm and positive”.

But it goes on to add: “Not all pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning. 

“Too many lessons in key stage 2 are interrupted by low-level disruption.”

Inspectors found that while pupils demonstrate an age-appropriate understanding of tolerance and diversity, there are not yet consistent approaches to effectively support all pupils to meet leaders’ high ambitions for inclusivity and respect.

Despite successful improvements within the curriculum, leaders’ expectations of positive behaviour have not been clearly communicated and understood across all areas of the school.

Many pupils demonstrate positive and respectful interactions in class and during free time. However, the approaches to manage behaviour are inconsistent and are not yet always having the impact that leaders desire. 

The report also states: “A small number of older pupils told inspectors that some pupils use derogatory language in the school.”

It says leaders are keenly supported by the local governing body. However, many governors do not yet have an accurate view of the strengths and areas for development of the school.

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. All staff are alert to any signs of concern, and they report these in a timely manner. 

However, there are some minor weaknesses in the recording of actions after incidents of a safeguarding nature have occurred.

The report found leaders have made effective improvements to the school curriculum. 

And that there are high expectations for staff to teach ambitious content that builds on what pupils know and can do.

Inspectors also found leaders have high expectations for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and children in the early years foundation stage (EYFS) make a good start to their school life.

In the list of improvements, inspectors advised the school that leaders must clearly set out high expectations of positive behaviours for learning with “fair and consistent” approaches to manage behaviour.  

Governors must put into place appropriate structures to check what leaders tell them is correct.  

The report states: “Leaders should have rigorous checks in place to ensure that all incidents of a safeguarding nature, and resulting actions, are accurately recorded.”