FAMILIES facing homelessness could get a lifeline as a town considers building new emergency housing.

Councillors in Lancing are deciding whether to shut the South Street car park and build eight terraced properties on the site.

The project would cost £2.3 million but is estimated to save Adur District Council roughly £5 million that would be spent on emergency bed and breakfast accommodation.

The South Street project would house families until a long-term home is found.

The Argus: The site could be used to built eight new homesThe site could be used to built eight new homes (Image: Adur District Council)

Councillor Carson Albury, the council’s executive member for housing, said: “We need more emergency accommodation in Adur and this is a no-brainer.

“The car park is under-used and produces very little income, whereas if we put homes on it we can make a real difference to the lives of some of our most vulnerable residents.

“We can give them the security of a roof over their heads, helping to improve their health and wellbeing - and at a lower cost than if we put them up in bed and breakfasts.”

The Argus: South Street car parkSouth Street car park (Image: Adur District Council)

The council intends to place a bid with Homes England to cover around 17 per cent of the project’s costs – the rest will come from its Spend to Save initiative.

Residents and businesses close to the proposed site will be consulted about the project before a planning application is submitted.