SO MANY emails, so many words: so little real action.

The 'Pigeon Poo' bridge, going down to Preston Circus is now beyond a joke; a filthy, health, safety and risk for pedestrians.

We've been writing countless emails of complaint, involving others, but never ever reaching a solution that lasts beyond a short while. Never solving the pedestrian nightmare for our neighbours and hundreds of Bhasvic students that literally have to walk over pigeon poo and often into the road.

Gosh, yes, the council is well meaning. They want to help, but never change how they work or their old-fashioned processes to actually properly sort this situation out.

I have campaigned for years for the council to take this seriously - yes, we got new pigeon proofing, but there's still pigeon poo all over the place. Yes, we won weekly washing, but it's still overgrown with weeds and hanging weeds. Because, guess what, the pigeon proofing was not done properly.

We've also weeded the area.

Network Rail? Next to useless. They too, don't take responsibility for the blight. A proper council would make them to a decent job.

You see no one really owns the problem in the council: up to us, to email different departments.

Senior Directors never respond to emails; same old, same old. It should not be so hard to change things for the better in our community.

I suppose it's good we have had two site meetings over the long years; but so revealing that the situation is still the same.

It is now obvious to me that it is the council that needs to change.

We need a reset in priorities, processes and responsibility for the things we residents care about.

I'd like councillors that stop lecturing us. Actually, lead and modernise our services.

Ty Goddard

Hamilton Road
