A TEAM of restaurant workers have come together to raise over £1,000 for a community charity.

Staff at Nando’s in Hove completed a charity walk from Eastbourne to Brighton to raise funds for The Crew Club.

The club is a grassroots community-led charity working with children, young people and their families in Whitehawk, Brighton.

The walk, which took place last week, was attended by around 30 Nando’s staff and Crew Club members.

They met at 9am in Eastbourne and walked 26 miles along the coast back to Brighton, arriving just over nine hours later.

Darren Snow, co-founder at the Crew Club said: “We were delighted when we heard from Nando’s in Hove that their regional staff had chosen us as one of their local charities to support. 

“It’s been brilliant getting to know some of their team. We’re really excited to have formed this relationship with them and are so grateful for all their support.”

Craig Moore, the Nando’s Hove branch manager, said “Every Nando’s restaurant builds its own partnerships with local charities and has the freedom to choose which ones they’d like to support. 

“We know how vital the work of the Crew Club is to the young people of East Brighton which is one of the most deprived areas of the UK. 

“We were really happy to meet their team and support them by setting up a fundraising walk with some of our staff members and some of theirs.

“It was a huge success and between us we managed to raise £1,052.”