PLANS to increase parking charges at a number of Horsham car parks are to be discussed by councillors.

The proposed increases at North Street car park, Southwater Country Park, the Forum, Piries Place and Swan Walk will be on the agenda at a meeting of the cabinet on Thursday (July 21).

The council approved an increase in parking charges in February, following the loss of income during the pandemic.

A report to the committee said: “Extending the increases to these additional three areas will ensure tariffs are kept consistent and fair – it will maximise income from the implementing new charges and maintain good customer experience.”

If approved by the full council, the changes will mean a 12.5 per cent increase to the four-hour tariff in North Street, and a 10 per cent increase to day passes in the Forum, Piries Place and Swan Walk.

The winter weekend tariffs at Southwater Country Park will be changed to match the summer ones – increases of a few pence per hour up to £1 more for a day pass.

If approved, the changes would be introduced in November and are expected to add £22,500 of income to the revenue budget for 2022/23.

READ MORE: Brighton car park reopens with new security measures