TRIBUTES have been paid to a former Crawley councillor, who was described as a ‘local legend’ and ‘truly a decent man’.

Mike Pickett, who represented Southgate between 2014 and this year, died on Monday (July 11).

Councillors will observe one minute’s silence in his memory during the full council meeting on Wednesday (July 20).

Michael Jones, leader of the borough council, counted himself among Mr Pickett’s friends.

He said: “Mike was truly a decent man, full of integrity and hugely committed to Southgate and Crawley.

“He was a hugely talented councillor who improved our public life hugely – I will miss him very much and I know many, many people who will do so too.

“He was a local legend, so well known.”

Mr Jones praised the way Mr Pickett had been so generous with his time over the years, treating everyone’s opinions and issues with ‘the greatest of respect’.

His role as councillor saw him speak up for people on issues ranging from the need for security doors at flats in Burley Close, to the re-development of Zurich House, in East Park, to concerns about the allotments in Baker Close.

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Mr Jones said his friend had been a ‘formidable’ chairman of the Southgate Community Forum for several years and a strong supporter of the Conservation Areas set up in West Street, Malthouse Road and the neighbourhood centre.

Mr Pickett served as chairman of the council’s licensing committee and looked likely to be heading for a cabinet seat before health problems set in.

Mr Jones said: “He spent his final years on the council serving with tremendous dignity despite those health challenges without a single word of complaint.”