BBC Radio 1’s Greg James is just a few puzzle pieces away from being reinstated as host of the station’s breakfast show after losing his post in an on-air prank.

While broadcasting live from Hove Lagoon last week, Greg was escorted from the studio by security guards and told he could only return as a presenter after completing the Radio 1 Giant Jigsaw.

The 20 pieces, which made up the station’s logo, were scattered across the UK - with Greg encouraging listeners to find them and bring them to Hove so he can assemble them in a jigsaw frame floating in the lagoon itself.

Just one jigsaw piece remains undiscovered, with Radio 1 listeners travelling across the country to deliver 15 to the presenter.

Pieces were found at Land’s End in Cornwall, John O’Groats in Scotland and at the Amex Stadium after appearing on the BBC’s live coverage of the England v Spain Women’s Euro 2022 match.

One also fell from the ceiling of the Radio 1 studio in Broadcasting House in London to the shock and amusement of two presenters who were on air at the time.

Over the weekend, Greg took the plunge in a shark tank at Brighton’s SeaLife aquarium to retrieve a jigsaw piece - all while watched by a crowd of visitors to the attraction.

Greg donned a wetsuit, goggles and snorkel as he jumped in the water and swam to the piece.

The 36-year-old presenter could be heard shrieking as some of the sharks circled around him.

“That was one small swim for man, one giant piece of the giant puzzle,” he proclaimed after getting out of the water with the jigsaw piece.

Fellow Radio 1 presenters Scott Mills and Chris Stark have been hosting the Radio 1 Breakfast Show in Greg’s absence, with Chris confirming the duo are returning to present this morning.

Radio 1 have been based at Hove Lagoon for the “Radio 1 Games” over the last week, which has seen a range of guests and presenters taking place in fun activities.