A FISHERMAN was rescued by a lifeboat after falling at Brighton Marina.

An RNLI crew retrieved the man from a shelf near a breakwater shortly after 5am on Thursday before returning him to safety.

The man’s friend has been praised by the lifeboat crew after he acted quickly to throw him a life ring and call the emergency services.

Roger Cohen MBE, lifeboats operations manager, said: “In situations like this, it is tempting to enter the water to aid someone.

“The correct action is to alert the emergency services, encourage them to stay calm and find a rescue aid to assist them.”

The RNLI provides a range of different safety advice for those fishing and angling, including wearing a life jacket and coming equipped with a personal radio.

Statistics from the charity suggest that 50 anglers died between 2011 and 2015, many of whom could have been saved if they were wearing a life jacket.

With the appetite for fishing and angling rising in the summer heat, the RNLI suggests that people should call either 999 or 112 for the coastguard if they are in a coastal emergency.

A spokesman said: “With so many people enjoying the water this summer, it is important that we all know the risks.

"Even with the temperatures soaring, the fact is that the water is still cold.

“The effects of cold water shock are serious. It causes you to breathe in the water, weakens your muscles, and immediately affects your heart.

“‘If you get into trouble in the water, float to live. Lean back, using your arms and legs to stay afloat. Control your breathing, then call for help or swim to safety.”