Though they lacked the cocksure delivery of woeful headliners GoFaster (a band so derivative and contrived, they blundered time and time again into outright mimicry), Elle S'Appelle are nonetheless a hugely refreshing young outfit.

A boy/girl/boy trio who've swapped those jarringly omnipresent Telecasters for sweetly overdriven organ sounds, and serve up indie pop that's both quirky and sophisticated.

Their tunes were stuffed with blink-and-you'll-miss-'em hooks. And while the quick-fire time changes and sprawling arrangements suggested a methodical approach to their songcraft, there was certainly nothing tricksy or clever-clever about its execution.

Jaunty and fizzing throughout, they recalled Blondie, Stereolab and a host of classic Sixties girl groups. Little Flame and Monkey Shine stood out as cracking future singles. Elle S'Appelle are simply irresistible and demand your further investigation.