THOUSANDS of people are expected at Patcham Duck Fayre on Sunday.

The event, which originated in the 1990s, will have attractions such as a fun fair and a dog show.

There will also be a performance stage, including a Ukrainian choir as well as a range of local singers and dancers.

Sally Booth, chairwoman of the Patcham Duck Fayre Revival Group, described the event as “a real community celebration for Patcham and the surrounding area".

The Duck Fayre was originally run by Scouts in Patcham, Brighton, and was named as such for the ducks who used to wander from the pond near the All Saints Church.

The event stopped for a time due to a lack of volunteers but was revived in 2019 as a summer attraction for the village.

The Patcham Duck Fayre will be on Patcham school playing field between 11am and 4.30pm and is free to attend.