A Brighton Marathon is a great idea for raising money for charity and the profile of the city.

Of course there will be a another marathon beforehand - the stampede of complaints from all those selfish car drivers, deprived of yet another day on which to drive perfectly walkable distances to buy perfectly portable items, never considering taking one of those big red and cream box-shaped vehicles with lots of windows which anger them so much by getting in the way.

These are the same people who complain about the bike ride from London to Brighton that raises thousands for heart research - only to benefit from that research when years behind the wheel getting no exercise finally take their toll. They complain about Pride, the veteran car run, in fact anything that dares impinge on their precious road space.

Sometimes I think they live here in the mistaken belief this is some kind of South Coast dormitory town. There are plenty of those to choose from but Brighton is not one of them. A marathon would be another fantastic date in our calendar.

  • Brian Snow, Upper Rock Gardens, Brighton