I've just returned from visiting Sitges, near Barcelona. I was very impressed with their system of refuse collection. Instead of householders having individual wheelie bins, they have large communal bins in every street. Each bin has a designated purpose: general rubbish, paper, glass, etc. They are conveniently colour coded and made of heavy-duty material which is vandal proof.

The method used to empty them is simple - a dustcart comes along, a swing arm picks up the bin, the bottom of which opens up, tipping the contents into the receptacle below. There is no human contact with the refuse. The streets are clean so the system must work well. Also, there are no unsightly rows of wheelie bins cluttering the pavements. Perhaps the council might be persuaded to take a closer look at this scheme for the Brighton area?

  • Jill Cowles, Freehold Street, Shoreham