Two men are to appear in court over a reality TV programme showing violence and drug-taking in Brighton nightclubs.

James Lidbetter and Mark Forrest were featured in an ITV2 documentary, Generation Xcess, last year.

The show caused a storm of protest from police and MPs who accused the programme-makers of putting profit ahead of moral responsibility.

Police launched an investigation after The Argus highlighted the casual violence it depicted.

The documentary followed four men including Lidbetter and Forrest, for a two-week period.

They were filmed in Tru, formerly Creation, in West Street, and The Beach in King's Road Arches.

Members of the group downed ecstasy tablets before embarking on brawls.

One hit another clubber over the head with a glass bottle.

Nightclub bosses, former employers and even one of the men's parents condemned the gang and the programme they appeared in.

The show received complaints from regulator Ofcom after it was first aired on ITV2 on Thursday June 7 last year.

Sussex Police launched an investigation which led to Lidbetter and Forrest being charged with offences this week.

Brighton Pavilion MP David Lepper welcomed the fact the police were bringing a prosecution over the programme.

He said: "Obviously they have been charged and they have still got to go to court and we can't say they are guilty or not.

'It is good to know the police did target the very serious issues that The Argus raised and I raised about the kind of behaviour that was featured in the programme.

"The fact they have been investigating and now feel they have got a case to take to court will do something to make people feel their complaints are taken seriously and that kind of behaviour is not going to be tolerated or ignored."

He called for programme-makers to take a more responsible attitude towards their subjects and said there was a danger of people being egged on to worse behaviour for the cameras.

Mr Lepper said: "Maybe the people who really ought to be in the dock are the people who made this programme in the first place.

"They would have been disappointed if they had not got footage of that kind of behaviour.' The charges relate to an incident in The Beach on October 21 2006.

Lidbetter, now 34, from Brighton, has been charged with affray.

Forrest, now 20, from Findon, near Worthing, was also charged with affray and trying to cause grievous bodily harm.

The pair will appear at Brighton Magistrates' Court on March 14.