Unlike most of the big rock names of the 1960s and 1970s, the late Frank Zappa is a forgotten figure these days.

So thank God, then, for the Grandmothers, who are keeping the work of the legendary composer, guitarist and satirist alive.

They are no cash-in tribute band, either, and boast three original members of Zappa's legendary Mothers Of Invention - Napoleon Murphy Brock (vocals and sax), Ray Estrada (bass) and Don Preston (keyboards).

Helping them out were drummer Chris Garcia and Miroslav Tadic, the man with the unenviable job of replicating Zappa's guitar-playing.

The set list was taken from Zappa's '67-'75 heyday and included Florentine Pogen, San Ber'dino, Orange County Lumber Truck and Call Any Vegetable.

It was wonderful stuff, breathtakingly played, catching Zappa's astonishing musical achievements and the best of his wayward humour.

Even cynical old Frank would have been proud.