Keith Mathieson raised the issue of intrusive floodlighting which has been granted planning permission at Longhill School without any evident consultation with the residents of Ovingdean (Letters, February 26). I share his concern and also think the school site is rapidly becoming an eyesore.

The recently built Denes Leisure Centre, located within the school grounds, is out of keeping with the surroundings and is more suited in style to an industrial estate. It is remarkable that Woodingdean industrial estate has much better looking buildings, like Castle House which is made of brick and has a pitched roof.

Longhill School is in the middle of a residential area and built on council land. Yet, the Denes Leisure Centre has an industrial design and detracts significantly from the surroundings.

It appears that on council land, planning restrictions and consultation are less rigorously applied.

Screening of this building with trees and shrubs was promised but has been wholly inadequate and has not been maintained. Now the school, supported by the council, wants to floodlight the area until 9.30pm five nights a week and until 6pm at weekends.

It seems to me that both facilities and aesthetics are important and if the school and council want to maintain a reasonable relationship with the local community, they need to consult properly and take steps to remedy the eyesore that Longhill School has become, before floodlighting alienates everyone further.

  • Steve McMillan, Wanderdown Way Ovingdean