South East and Southern Water are planning to build a new reservoir in the middle of the Downs, ten miles from Brighton (The Argus, March 1).

It would cover 360 acres and destroy a historic landscape including farmland at Plashett Park, old oak trees and copses. It is a site of scientific interest.

This will supply 18 million litres of water a day while at the same time these water companies lose 63 million litres of water a day from leaks.

It will cost £300 million to repair the leaks but only £150 million to build the reservoir.

Of course, we need more water with all the new homes being built. But can we have more water without such destruction?

Yes, we can. By spending a little extra and making use of the sea.

In Brighton and Hove, vast new tower blocks with thousands of luxury flats are planned for Brighton Marina and the King Alfred site. Both are located on the seafront and would lend themselves to having their own desalination plants incorporated, with energy derived from their own wave and wind power generators.

Costly, but what price the alternatives of destroying our rural heritage and wildlife at Plashett Park Farm?

  • Hans Lobstein, Marine Parade, Brighton