A gardener risked his life to donate a kidney to a complete stranger.

Leroy Hobden, 40, offered the gift of life in memory of his younger brother Daniel, who died from leukaemia during the 1970s.

He hopes his selfless act will save more than one life by spurring others to sign up to the donor register.

Mr Hobden said: "Not many people do this kind of thing. I just want people to sign up as donors and thought this would be a good way to raise awareness.

"My brother was my main motivation. When he died organ and tissue donation was even rarer than it is now.

"We all suffered a lot then so this is for my brother."

Mr Hobden, of Church Farm in Cowbeech, near Hailsham, made the decision to donate a kidney two years ago. It was made possible after the Government changed legislation last year allowing altruistic donations from living donors to strangers to take place.

He is only the fifth living person in the UK to donate a kidney to a stranger.

Mr Hobden underwent 15 months of intensive testing to ensure his kidney would benefit a recipient.

He said: "The tests seemed to go on forever. They told me there were several risks - I could get a blood clot or a chest infection or even die during the operation. But I knew what I was doing and understood all the risks so I went ahead."

Mr Hobden went under the knife on February 20 at St Georges Hospital in Tooting, London. The operation was a success and his kidney has since been used to help a stranger.

He said: "I woke up feeling a bit sore but the doctor told me the kidney was in perfect health and was put into the other patient straight away.

"I don't know anything about the recipient. Unless they want me to know and they contact me I will probably never know who I have helped.

"It would be nice to know how it's helped them but it's down to them really.

"I have probably saved someone's life so I feel quite proud of myself.

"But, that's not the reason I did it. I just wanted to promote organ donation."

Mr Hobden is now recovering at home.

He hopes to return to work in April and has no plans to donate further organs.

A spokesman for UK Transplant said: "It is fantastic news that Mr Hobden was able to give somebody a second chance of life by gifting one of his kidneys."

For more information about organ donation visit www.uktransplant.org.uk