Investigations are still ongoing to establish the exact cause of a massive blaze which badly damaged three homes.

Fire investigators are certain the fire, in Christchurch Road, Worthing, was started deliberately.

But work is continuing today to establish the exact circumstances of how and where it started.

Police and fire chiefs are working on the theory that it began in a large pile of furniture and rubbish placed outside the flats, which were being renovated.

A spokesman for West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said: "It's most likely that it was arson.

"But it may be a case of having to find witnesses to establish exactly what happened."

Neighbours could only watch in horror as 40 ft flames leapt into the air and licked the gutting on the building around 8.30pm on Wednesday night.

The three-storey townhouse, just a short distance from the town's law courts, had been converted into flats, two of which were empty but the third of which is lived in.

Fire crews from Worthing had to smash their way into the building in case the woman was in her third floor flat as they fought the flames.

Police closed a section of the road while the firefighters spent half an hour bringing the blaze under control.

Residents from the adjoining homes were evacuated in case the fire spread along the street.