A Fringe organiser has called on more venues in Hove to become involved in the event.

Holly Payton, who was responsible for running the fringe for six years and is now its communications manager, said: "Every year the Fringe Festival gets asked why it doesn't have very many events in Hove.

"The fact is that it has been high on the fringe agenda to increase the arts activity in Hove for years. The nature of the fringe is that it is open access, which means it doesn't programme anything but it waits for shows and events to come in from the performers and promoters.

"The fringe can only encourage venues to take part. It then lets the performers know what spaces are available."

Miss Payton said that while the organisation had met with Brighton and Hove Business Forum, to encourage businesses to get involved, the number of venues in Hove was still low. Only 18 of this year's 218 fringe venues are in Hove.

Some of the more established venues in the area include Cella@ Sanctuary Café, in Brunswick Street East, and the Old Market, in Upper Market Street.

Miss Payton believes there is still potential for other venues and is encouraging shops, bars and cafés to hold exhibitions, and libraries and bookshops to host talks and debates.

She also believes community centres, parks and people's homes could also become Hove fringe venues.

"George Street is an excellent location for outdoor stages and busking.

"Perhaps in 2009 Fringe City could have a showcase in the west of the city.

"But for this to happen it would need a lot of input from local businesses, as there is in New Road and Jubilee Square in Brighton.

"Now is the month to be inspired and to inspire.

"It's basically up to the people of Hove to encourage its venues, shops and open spaces to advertise themselves as a possible and good alternatives to the venues in central Brighton."

One of the new venues in Hove this year is the Brunswick in Holland Road.

Co-owner Phil Ryan said: "From our experience we have found that the stuff we have been doing has been really well supported. We've had one or two sell-out events already.

"Performing arts seem to be supported well but there is just not that many venues doing it in Hove.

"It's a bit of an untapped area. If more venues opened their doors I think the people of Hove would definitely support them."