Chris Rackley would like Brighton to have a motorway to the heart of the city to enable him to come shopping here - and presumably save time, expense and the planet by avoiding the drive to Portsmouth (Letters, May 8).

A scheme such as this was proposed for Brighton in the early 1970s but thankfully was thrown out as it involved the demolition of 700 houses and even greater domination and pollution of our city by the car.

I recently visited Southampton - by train - and noticed what terrible damage major highways through a city can inflict on the townscape.

Does Chris Rackley realise that more car parking spaces result in more traffic and therefore more congestion and pollution? Why should he inflict this on the citizens of Brighton?

Bus lanes allow a more reliable, affordable and swifter bus service and thereby encourage people to leave their cars at home. On his next visit to Brighton could Chris Rackley consider coming by train?

  • Selma Montford, hon secretary, The Brighton Society, Clermont Road, Brighton