So, it seems a little contradictory to Labour councillor Warren Morgan for The Argus to be backing Tory calls for the Government to either create more space for prisoners or cut crime when, according to Coun Morgan, Sussex Police recently reported a 15% drop in crime across Brighton and Hove (Letters, May 9).

Let me assure Coun Morgan he is wrong. The police reported there had been a 15% decrease last year in "recorded" crime. And that is a far cry from there being a 15% drop in crime.

A police source recently reported that police officers are being told to play down offences such as burglary and car theft in order to reduce crime figures.

Since 1997, the Government has failed to build more prisons to house ever-increasing numbers of violent criminals. Instead offenders are handed Coun Morgan's preferred choice - community sentences - which leave them free to commit more crimes.

Make no mistake Coun Morgan, the Government's policy of encouraging police not to record crimes is evidence that falling crime figures are just a blatant attempt to cut crime by fiddling the statistics. In real terms, crime levels have never been higher.

  • Dave Bonwick, Oakdene Close, Portslade