During an interview about parking restrictions in Worthing (The Argus, April 10), I inadvertently gave some incorrect information regarding the rules governing parking on double yellow lines in the town.

I mistakenly suggested that the rules allowed motorists to park on double yellow lines for a short period in order to run errands such as visiting a cash machine.

This is not correct. Car drivers in Worthing - as in most parts of Britain - are allowed to park briefly on most double yellow lines in order to set down or pick up passengers or to briefly load and unload goods.

There are certain caveats to this general right which include, for example, not causing an obstruction, not stopping on a bus stop clearway, a taxi rank or where there is a loading restriction. Signposts will normally indicate where such restrictions apply.

I am sorry if my inaccurate comments have caused any confusion.

NCP Services acts in Worthing on behalf of West Sussex County Council and Worthing Borough Council, neither of which condones parking on double yellow lines in order to run quick errands or use a cash machine.

The Highway Code is helpful in clarifying that you must not wait or park on double yellow lines and that double yellow lines indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time.

I hope this letter clears up any confusion.

  • Tim Cowen, director of communications, NCP Services