My daughter works for a pool table company. Her job involves going to many pubs over a large area to collect rents. I go with her to help her. For this reason I know from the landlords themselves what is happening since the do-gooders decided to stop smoking in pubs.

Trade has dropped to an unprecedented low in the majority of pubs and many are closing down with managers handing their keys back to the breweries. This means job losses.

Those still in business say their takings are down by as much as half which means they do not employ so many staff.

Fruit and game machines are not being played because half of the customers are outside. I know of one company which is already in liquidation - yet more job losses.

My son said: "When I go into a pub, I should be allowed to breathe in a smoke-free atmosphere." My reply was: "How often do you use a pub?" The bread and butter trade for pubs is the working man on his way home, stopping for a couple of pints and a smoke or on a Friday or Saturday night-out with his mates and even the lonely old men who like a smoke, drink and a chat.

Why can't pubs chose to be smoking or non-smoking or be allowed to have smoking rooms with good ventilation?

I hope the holier than thou brigade are happy now and as they walk the streets of this country I beg of them to carry a dustpan and brush to sweep the roads which are full of cigarette butts.

  • K Davies, Bush Cottage Close, Portslade